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Saturday 7 July 2012


Today we got to visit another zoo, Healesville Sanctuary! Remember all the photos here are of wild birds that have flown into the open enclosures, except a few that I noted below.
We started the day by going to my sister's Ballet class. After that, we drove to Healesville, stopping for lunch on the way. It took us ages to find a carpark.
As we entered the park two of the most common birds of the area could be seen- wild galahs and common bronzewing pigeons were foraging in the emu enclosure, and on a lawn were a few Australian white ibises.
 A wild galah, these birds are common
 A common bronzewing pigeon. Look for these birds in the emu enclosure.
An Australian white ibis.

After spotting the bronzewings and galahs, we went to the flight show. As usual, I found it very entertaining. Below is a picture of the captive barking owl with a zookeeper.
- One of their ears is slightly higher than the other
- They can only see black-and-white
- They have good night vision (you probably knew that)
- They have good hearing
After the flight show we went to the 'Luna's Secret Forest' exhibit, which teaches little kids about the Leadbeater's possum, an endangered possum that can only be found in the mountain forests of Victoria.   On the way to the exhibit, my mum spotted a small bird in a tree. I zoomed in with my camera and realized what it was- a Lewin's honeyeater, a lifer!
A rather bad photo of a Lewin's honeyeater

After that we went to the Platypusary because my sister was doing a story about platypuses for the school Science Talents Search competition. After that we went home. All in all, it was a great day, with an unexpected lifer. 
If you want more about birding in Melbourne and Werribee Open Range zoos, have a look at my other posts on birding in the Victorian zoos. 
That should sum it up. 

1 comment:

  1. I am delighted to see you are back with some new blogs. Sorry to have missed these trips due to my short visit to Colombo. Keep up the good work. Shall join you for many of nature visits in Australia , Sri Lanka and around the world over the years to come.
